Our private bilingual kindergarten offers a carefully structured daily routine designed to foster self-confidence, independence, and bilingual proficiency. With the consistent support of two dedicated teachers—one German-speaking, one English-speaking—and a class assistant, children thrive in an environment that encourages exploration and growth.
The day begins with a warm welcome from the **German teacher**, creating a positive and nurturing atmosphere. During **Choice Time**, children can explore self-directed activities, giving them the freedom to engage in creative play and socialize with their peers, easing into the day at their own pace.
At 8:30, the children gather for a healthy, in-house prepared breakfast. Guided by their **German teacher and class assistant**, the children practice independence by serving themselves and engaging in conversation with their peers, making mealtimes a social and learning opportunity.
The day’s structured learning begins with **Circle Time**, where children discuss topics such as the weather, days of the week, and sing songs in the Swiss dialect.
Following Circle Time, the children move to their learning space, where activities aligned with the **Lehrplan 21** curriculum are tailored to each child’s age and ability. With support from their **German teacher and class assistant**, children engage in hands-on learning that encourages curiosity, problem-solving, and bilingual language development. Regular breaks are provided to maintain focus and energy throughout the morning.
At lunchtime, children enjoy a nutritious meal prepared by our in-house chef. Under the guidance of the **German teacher and class assistant**, children are encouraged to serve themselves, promoting self-sufficiency. Mealtime is also an opportunity for social engagement, where children can discuss the meal and share stories with their peers.
The children have rest time, allowing for a calm, restful period after lunch. Following this, the children transition to the care of their **English teacher and class assistant**, who will guide them for the rest of the day.
In the afternoon, under the guidance of their **English teacher**, children participate in various creative activities, including **drama, music, and dance**. These sessions are designed to encourage self-expression while strengthening English language skills in a fun, engaging environment.
This is followed by outdoor activities, where children can play and explore before returning to the classroom for **Afternoon Snack**.
At 4:00 PM, the children enjoy a healthy, homemade snack to recharge. After snack time, the **English teacher** leads additional English-based learning activities, ensuring a well-rounded and stimulating afternoon that reinforces language development.
From 5:00 PM, parents can pick up their children at their convenience. Until closing time, children engage in **Choice Time**, where they can select activities that interest them, supported by their **English teacher**. This relaxed end to the day helps children unwind and reflect on their accomplishments.
In addition to the daily routine, our kindergarten offers a range of exciting weekly activities that enhance the children’s learning experience:
Every Tuesday before lunch, children participate in **ballet or yoga** sessions. These rotating activities help children develop physical coordination, body awareness, balance, and mindfulness in a fun, structured way.
Once a week, children have the opportunity to engage in a hands-on **robotics course**, where they explore problem-solving, technology, and teamwork in a stimulating and interactive setting.
Each week, the class goes on an **afternoon trip** to explore the local environment. These outings provide a chance for hands-on learning and foster a deeper connection with nature and the community.
Every **Friday**, the children spend the entire day in the forest with a specialized **nature teacher**. Conducted in **German**, this immersive outdoor experience allows children to explore the natural world, engage in environmental learning, and develop a love for nature through guided exploration and play.
Learn more about our nourishing young Minds:
commit-ment to healthy eating.
At our bilingual kindergarten, we are committed to creating a supportive and enriching environment where children develop independence, confidence, and fluency in both German and English. With the guidance of their two teachers and a class assistant, each day is carefully crafted to ensure that children have opportunities to learn, grow, and explore in a family-like atmosphere filled with fun, discovery, and care.
Bilingual Childcare and Kindergarten
Röschibachstrasse 22
8037 Zurich, Switzerland
©KiddieLand 2024 / Imprint / Privacy Policy
Interaktive Bereiche: Die Klassenzimmer sind in Bereiche unterteilt, die zu Erkundungen und Gruppenaktivitäten anregen und freies Spielen sowie gemeinsames Lernen fördern.
Vielfältige Materialien: Kunstbedarf, natürliche Elemente und recycelte Materialien stehen zur Verfügung, um die Kreativität und das Basteln zu fördern.
Aktuelle Präsentationen: Die Kunstwerke und Projekte der Kinder werden in den Klassenzimmer ausgestellt und zeigen ihre Interessen und Erfolge.
Interactive Areas: Classrooms are divided into zones that encourage exploration and group activities, facilitating open-ended projects and collaborative learning.
Diverse Materials: Art supplies, natural elements, and recycled materials are readily available to inspire creativity and hands-on experiences.
Dynamic Displays: Children’s artwork and projects are displayed throughout the classroom, reflecting their interests and achievements in an ever-evolving manner.
Unsere Lernumgebung ist auch stark von der «Reggio-Emilia-Philosophie» inspiriert, die Kreativität, Zusammenarbeit und ein starkes Gemeinschaftsgefühl fördert. Wir verwirklichen diesen Ansatz so:
Interaktive Bereiche: Die Klassenzimmer sind in Bereiche unterteilt, die zu Erkundungen und Gruppenaktivitäten anregen und freies Spielen sowie gemeinsames Lernen förden.
Vielfältige Materialien: Kunstbedarf, natürliche Elemente und recycelte Materialien stehen zur Verfügung, um die Kreativität und das Basteln zu fördern.
Aktuelle Präsentationen: Die Kunstwerke und Projekte der Kinder werden in den Klassenzimmer ausgestellt und zeigen ihre Interessen und Erfolge.
In unseren Räumen für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder wenden wir den «Pikler»-Ansatz» an, der selbstgesteuertes Spiel und Bewegungsfreiheit in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Unsere Einrichtung ist so gestaltet, dass sie dieser Philosophie gerecht wird:
Klettergerüste: Sie fördern die körperliche Erkundung und helfen den Kindern, ihre motorischen Fähigkeiten in ihrem eigenen Tempo zu entwickeln.
Materialien, die die Sinne anregen: Gegenstände wie Holzklötze und Sinnesbälle sind auf niedrigen Regalen zugänglich und laden zu selbständigem Spiel und Bewegung ein.
Natürliche, einfache Spielzeug: Wir verwenden natürliche, einfache Spielzeuge, die die Entwicklung von Selbstständigkeit und Selbstvertrauen fördern.
Indem wir unsere Klassenräume so gestalten, dass sie Neugier wecken, ermöglichen wir es jedem Kind, auf individuelle Weise mit seiner Umgebung zu interagieren und dabei seinen eigenen Bedürfnissen und Interessen gerecht zu werden.
Our learning environment is also deeply inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, which fosters creativity, collaboration, and a strong sense of community. We bring this approach to life through:
Interactive Areas: Classrooms are divided into zones that encourage exploration and group activities, facilitating open-ended projects and collaborative learning.
Diverse Materials: Art supplies, natural elements, and recycled materials are readily available to inspire creativity and hands-on experiences.
Dynamic Displays: Children’s artwork and projects are displayed throughout the classroom, reflecting their interests and achievements in an ever-evolving manner.
In our infant and toddler classrooms we embrace the Pikler approach, which highlights the importance of self-directed play and freedom of movement. Our spaces are thoughtfully arranged to reflect this philosophy:
Climbing Structures: Encouraging physical exploration and helping children develop motor skills at their own pace.
Sensory-Rich Materials: Items like wooden blocks and sensory balls are accessible on low shelves, inviting independent play and movement.
Natural, Simple, Passvie Toys: We use open-ended, adaptable toys that support the development of autonomy and confidence.
By designing our classrooms to invite curiosity, we allow each child to engage with their environment in ways that suit their individual needs and interests.